Showers ‘n Flowers

Thursday, April 6

Oh, the anticipation of Spring! In April, we do our share of “Singin’ in the Rain”. Join us for a cuppa tea, sumptuous savories, and sweets to brighten any rainy or sunshiny day!

Want more Country Tea choices?
Go back to the Tea Calendar to be tempted!

Mother Goose Rhymes

Saturday, March 18

Jack be nimble, Jill be quick … oh, the memories! Come share your favorite childhood rhymes over tea with your little ones and friends! Be sure to bring your special doll or toy!

Want more Country Tea choices?
Go back to the Tea Calendar to be tempted!

Doll Party

Thursday, March 16

Little girls (and big ones, too) love their dolls. Won’t you bring your favorite dolly for tea? Raspberry sorbet with spearmint, lemon curd tartlets, sugar cookies and more…with tea, of course!

Want more Country Tea choices?
Go back to the Tea Calendar to be tempted!