Strings N Things

We have always loved pearl string succulents and have decided to expand our selection. NEW varieties include hearts, dolphins, bananas, buttons, and ruby necklace. We’ll even have one called Burrito – aka “burros tail”. You’ll know why when you see it. 

String succulents have grown in popularity over the years likely due to their low-maintenance care requirements and their flexibility. You can group them with other vertical succulent varieties or hang them in little wall pockets. The options are endless. Come check them out!

Fall Succulent Care

Succulents can be one of the most black thumb-friendly plants in existence. However, even these easygoing plants need special love if they reside in an area that’s out of their native habitat. Follow these tips to keep your succulents healthy as the temperatures dip!

Despite growing in a variety of different climates, succulents come from warm, dry regions with relatively low humidity and minimal rainfall. So when our temperatures start dipping into the freeze zone, we need to take some additional steps to ensure they are ready to rock and roll when we warm back up again.

Unless you have sedums or sempervivums (these gals tolerate frost), your succulents will need to be covered if they are outside. Invest in translucent frost cloth that will allow your plants to photosynthesize while protecting them from the harsh temperatures. If your succulents are in pots, you can move them indoors to a space that stores enough above-freezing temperatures to keep them going (i.e. a south-facing wall or sunroom). Most plants will go into dormancy, slowing their growth along with their water needs. We’re going for drier soil this time of year.

Another thing to watch out for is mealy bugs. Infestation resembles a fluffy white substance on the leaves. Treat immediately by spraying isopropyl alcohol. If you have multiple plants, isolate any infested plants from their healthy friends. The best preventative is good air circulation. Keep a fan going or open a few windows to keep the air flow going.

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Succulent Growth Season

Have you noticed that your succulents are getting taller and bushier? That’s an in-your-face sign that it’s succulent growing season. This growth generally starts in late May and continues on through September. Here are a few tips on taking advantage of this period. 

Fertilizer! Most succulents don’t need that much fertilizer, but a little bit can help. Water with a well-balanced fertilizer once a month during the growing season will be all they need. 

Lighting! Most succulents need at least half a day to a full day of sunlight. Put those puppies in the window sill to get them their daily dose of sunshine.

Drainage! If you’re planting your succulents in containers, but sure to plant them in cactus soil or add a layer of gravel or rock at the bottom to help improve drainage. This improves airflow as well which also encourages growth.

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Succulent Solutions

Succulents are the perfect starter plant for a black thumb. They are fairly low-maintenance and it takes quite a few errors to kill them. Here are a few easy telltale signs that your succulent may be in trouble.

Leaning Towards Light
That plant on your desk is reaching towards the window like it’s in the front row of a George Strait concert. This is a common sign that it needs more sunlight. Scootch it on over so that it gets more rays.

Dull Color
This succulent actually needs less sun. Move it into a darker area of the room and watch it’s green deepen.

Rotting, Yellowing Leaves, and Black/Brown Spotting
These are all signs that you’re succulent is getting too much water. Succulents really only need a deep watering once a week.

Shriveled Leaves
Sunken in, wrinkly leaves are a sign that your plant is thirsty. Give that thing a good drink keep tabs on it to see make sure its leaves plump up. With succulents, the goal is fewer, deeper waterings. If the soil is dry, water it until the water comes from the bottom of the pot. If the container has good drainage, you can set the succulent in a tray to let the soil wick up the water for about five minutes. Remove the pot and let it drain.

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