Hot Peppers

We’ve got all kinds of hot pepper varieties (HPS) here at the greenhouse. Check ’em out!

  • Early Jalapeno. 60-65 days. Deep green. 3.5×1.5” fruits Excellent for pickling, Scoville rating of 3500-4500. Ideal for fresh in Mexican dishes. Plants are 26-36” tall.
  • Emerald Fire 90 days. 2015 AAS Winner. 3.5” 2500 Scoville units. Great for stuffing, grilling, canning or in Salsas. Thick walled, very little cracking. Works well in containers.
  • Golden Greek Peperoncino – 72 days. Seed imported from Milan, Abundant yields of thin walled slightly wrinkled, yellowish green, mildly hot. Harvest when green.
  • Habanero Orange 90-100 days. Caribbean variety with Scoville rating of 200,000 to 300,000. Tapered lantern-shaped golden orange fruits have a fruity/citrus undertones. 
  • Holy Mole Hybrid. 85 days. 2007 AAS winner. Gourmet quality, chocolate brown fruits are distinctive, not overly spicy pepper used in Mole sauce and many other dishes.
  • Wicked Ghost 90 days. 800,000 Scoville. Seriously brings the heat. Super Chili 75 days. One of the hottest chili peppers with Scoville rating of 35,000o to 40,000. Ideal for patio container planting. High yielding plants are pretty, semi compact, and grow up to 24”. 

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Best Slicing Cucumbers

There are all kinds of cucumber varieties offered here at the Greenhouse. Here are our favorite varieties of slicing cucumbers (HPS).

  • Spacemaster 60 days. Ideal for small gardens. Plants have short vines that do not run. Fruits are 7.5” and dark green. Good disease resistance and heavy yielder.
  • Straight Eight 58 days. 1935 AAS Sinner. Old timer that doesn’t disappoint. A best yielding early slicer. 6-8” long with small seed cities and mild flavor. Vigorous vines. You will want to give this variety some space.
  • Sweet Slice 62 days. Sweet, burpless and never bitter. 10-12”. Slim, dark green fruits have tender skins. Moderately vigorous vines and extremely productive; highly disease resistant.

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Pickling Cukes

Folks ask me what HPS seed cuke varieties are best for pickling. Here are our choices (bush varieties):

  • Pick a Bushel. 50 days. 2014 AAS winner. Sweet, firm, and crisp. Harvest at 3” gherkin size for great pickles or mature at 6” for eating fresh. Compact, semi bush type plants only spread about 24”. Well suited  for patio growing.
  • Bush crop 62 days. Compact bushy plants produce 6-8” fruits. 3 ft. vines perfect for containers or small garden spaces. Dependable yielder.
  • Bush Pickle 50 days. Compact 3-4” fruits. Prolific tasty crisp, whole pickles.
  • Homemade Pickle. 55 days. Medium green fruits Harvest when 1.5” for tiny sweets, 5-6 inches for robust dills and spears. Flesh is solid and crisp with superb sweet flair. Vigorous vines and heavy yielders.

Pick yours up today at the Greenhouse! Visit our blog for tasty recipes and gardening tidbits!


Cukes (aka cucumbers) HPS. Here are a few of our favorite burpless types. As the name suggests, “burpless” varieties reduce digestive problems like reflux. 

  • Diva – 58 days. 2002 AAs winner with a proven record. Seedless and burpless all female variety – doesn’t require pollination. Got a greenhouse? Plant a seed or two in a hanging basket and enjoy some early cukes in your salad! Sweet, bitter free, crisp. Spineless. Tender skins particularly when harvested at 4-8”. High yielder and has a great resistance to disease.
  • Tasty King 62 days. Japanese slicing type. Bitter free and burpless, crisp, 10” long.
  • Nokya (Johnny’s seed) 55 days. Productive and flavorful long asian cucumber. The most exceptional parthenocarpic cucumber of its type, delivering high yields of excellent quality cucumbers that are sweet, crunch, and 11-13” long with small seed cavities. This is the one we grow for all the pickles we make here at the farm. We have limited quantities.

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Let’s Talk Cauliflower

Cauliflower – HPS seeds. Hands down, our favorite variety is Snowball Self Blanching – 68 days. It has self wrapping leaves that curl upward and cover the heads to keep the sun from ruining the bright white color. A long time favorite! Great for freezing, steaming, roasting and ricing.

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