Herbs as Salt Substitutes
Enhance your meals with flavor and flair while staying mindful of your health. Herbs and spices, with their depth and variety, offer a heart-healthy alternative to salt and sugar. Choose from an excellent selection of herbs here at Back Home on the Farm!
With its sweet and peppery flavor, it’s a great compliment to fish and meat dishes. It’s also excellent in pesto, marinades, dressings, and sauces.
Bay Leaves
Bay leaves are primarily used in soups, stews, meats, poultry, seafood, and sauces. They add a woodsy, bitter touch to dishes.
Sweet and cooling, mint is lovely in salads and pairs well with potatoes and peas.
This peppery and lemony herb adds a punch of flavor to fish, chicken, tomatoes, and roasted vegetables.
Grilling season is almost upon us! Grow this warm and spicy herb for marinating meats and seafood before grilling.
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DIY Herbal Bug Spray
Nothing can ruin a fun summer night like getting bitten by skeeters. Try this all-natural bug spray recipe. All you need is a few fresh herbs from the garden and a few regular items from the pantry.
What you’ll need:
2 tbsp fresh mint (either spearmint or peppermint will work)
6 tbsp fresh herbs (catnip, citronella, lavender, etc.) finely chopped
1 cup distilled water (make your own by boiling and cooling tap water)
1 cup witch hazel, rubbing alcohol, or vodka
Glass spray bottle (stores better than plastic)
To make:
Bring one cup of distilled water to a boil in a saucepan. Add your fresh herbs to the pan. Cover the pot and remove from heat to let the mixture cool completely. When cool, strain your herbs using cheesecloth or a mesh strainer. Add 1 cup of witch hazel, alcohol, or vodka to your herb-infused water. Put the mixture into your glass spray bottle and store in the fridge. Use as needed to prevent mosquito bites.
Visit us on Pinterest for some more great herb uses.
Come visit us this Summer at the farm! We have 30+ family-friendly activities, adorable farm animals, and lots of tasty things to eat.
Grow A Grill Garden
The weather is warm and the sun is out! It’s grillin’ time, folks! Whether you’re grilling shish kabobs or burgers, herbs are key to adding a punch of delicious flavor to your meals. Plant a grill garden and enjoy mouthwatering dishes all summer long. Start with these flavorful herbs!
Thyme is the most versatile herb when it comes to grilling and works great with fish, poultry, and veggies. To successfully grow thyme, plant the herb in well-drained soil in an area that gets a lot of sunlight. Thyme can be planted with our next favorite herb, rosemary.
Rosemary is particularly tasty with chicken. The stalks can be used as tasty skewers for shish kabobs. Just like thyme, rosemary likes well-draining soil and oodles of sunshine. Be sure to give your plants room to grow as rosemary can grow up to four feet high and four feet wide.
Italian oregano is absolutely perfection when paired with veggies! Oregano loves well-draining soil and sunshine. For bushier plants, let your oregano grow to about four inches tall and then pinch or trim them. Regular trimming will increase branching and reduce legginess. When it comes to watering, water thoroughly and less often. If you’re container planting, water until it comes out of the bottom of your planter.
We have a great selection of herbs here at the Greenhouse. Stop by to pick up a few and visit us on Pinterest to try out a few delicious recipes!
Herb-Infused Vinegar
Herb gardens are wonderful for cooking delicious meals, making DIY beauty treatments, and even natural household cleaners. One of our new favorite uses are homemade vinegars!
You’ll need:
- 2 cups wine, rice, or apple cider vinegar
- 5 sprigs of lightly crushed herbs (you can choose from oregano, rosemary, tarragon or thyme)
- For an extra kick, you can add 1 small fresh chile and 1 clove of garlic
- Jar with tight-fitting lid
To make:
Add herbs and vinegar to your jar and let it sit to infuse for 5-6 days. This will allow your flavors to blend. Strain your vinegar with a fine mesh sieve into a bottle of your choice. Feel free to add a sprig of herbs and a few chiles and garlic cloves to make it fancy. Store in the refrigerator.
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