Homemade Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil has that fresh-from-the-spa aroma. Learn how to make your own eucalyptus essential oil to add to your bath, diffuser, and more.

What you’ll need:

  • ¼ oz fresh eucalyptus leaves (grow your own or check your local florist) crushed to release the oil
  • 1 cup carrier oil (olive, coconut, or almond)
  • Slow cooker (one you don’t use to cook as eucalyptus oil is toxic)

To make:

Combine ingredients into a slow cooker and let heat on low for 6 hours. After letting the oil cool, strain the oil through cheesecloth. Store in a cool, dark area (medicine cabinet, closet, etc.).

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Planting Eucalyptus

Who doesn’t love the smell of eucalyptus! In addition to being visually appealing, the fragrant leaves can be used to make an essential oil beneficial in treating a variety of conditions including asthma and congestion. It can even be used as a tick repellant.

Planting Eucalyptus

Starting with a well-established plant, plant the eucalyptus during warmer weather choosing a sunny location. Eucalyptus requires full sun (at least 6-8 hours a day). The location should also be several feet away from any buildings or fences.

These trees are incredibly fast growing and can damage nearby structures if planted too close. Eucalyptus is short-rooted and doesn’t fare well in strong winds. Be sure the location you choose to plant in has some kind of barrier.

To ensure your soil is rich in nutrients and well-draining, you’ll want to till the soil about 12 inches deep. Spread a few inches of compost over the area and use a rototiller to work it into the soil.

Be sure to plant eucalyptus at least 8 feet apart. This will help ensure proper space for growth as the plants mature. Give the new plants a thorough watering and keep the plant moist. Eucalyptus thrives in moist soil. If you notice your leaves are beginning to shrivel, that means it’s not getting enough water. Putting a bit of mulch on around the base will help retain moisture. Fertilize the plant during the growing season (mid-spring and mid-summer).

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