Nothing can ruin a fun summer night like getting bitten by skeeters. Try this all-natural bug spray recipe. All you need is a few fresh herbs from the garden and a few regular items from the pantry.
What you’ll need:
2 tbsp fresh mint (either spearmint or peppermint will work)
6 tbsp fresh herbs (catnip, citronella, lavender, etc.) finely chopped
1 cup distilled water (make your own by boiling and cooling tap water)
1 cup witch hazel, rubbing alcohol, or vodka
Glass spray bottle (stores better than plastic)
To make:
Bring one cup of distilled water to a boil in a saucepan. Add your fresh herbs to the pan. Cover the pot and remove from heat to let the mixture cool completely. When cool, strain your herbs using cheesecloth or a mesh strainer. Add 1 cup of witch hazel, alcohol, or vodka to your herb-infused water. Put the mixture into your glass spray bottle and store in the fridge. Use as needed to prevent mosquito bites.
Visit us on Pinterest for some more great herb uses.
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